Thursday, November 13, 2014

Christmas Rag Wreath Tutorial

Hellooooo everyone! It's time for another tutorial! Although this one has nothing to do with nerdiness whatsoever, I figured it would be nice to share something for the holidays. :) And this is sooooo easy too and can totally be done while multitasking (like watching Dr. Who, haha!)

Here's what you'll need:

          -A 4 wire wreath form (just a few dollars from any craft store)
          -Scissors or a rotary cutter (I would go with the cutter, if you have one. They are soooooo nice for doing straight lines, just like you'll need to in this project).
          -Approximately 3+ yards of fabric (I'm sorry I don't have an exactness on this one. I used some scraps, and bought some of the material. I ended up having to go back to the store to get more, and I unfortunately didn't keep track of how much I got. :( It also depends on how full you want your wreath to be. I wanted mine pretty full, so I ended up needing quite a bit more material than I thought I would).

1.) Lay out your material and cut strips measuring 8 inches long by 2 inches wide.

2.) Once you have all of your strips cut out, start tying them onto the outside ring of the wreath form. I tied them on in a pattern to make sure everything looked even. Make sure to tie them in only one knot. After the first row, move on to the second, and then the third. I actually skipped the fourth row since my wreath was looking just fine without it, and I'm glad I did! Another row would have been a bit too much I think. :)

3.) Make sure to turn on some kind of entertainment while you are tying. Some great choices are My Little Pony, Enchanted, Dr. Who, Full-Metal Alchemist, Harry Potter, just to name a few. ;)

4.) Once you've tied on everything, fluff it and straighten it all out so that it all looks nice. Then add a decorative bow, and you're all done!

Super easy project, ins't it? And it looks just lovely! I'm so excited for Christmas and I can't wait to show it off! :) Thanks for checking out the tutorial! Happy crafting! :)


1 comment:

  1. Super cute, and I loved the entertainment suggestions! ;)
